Because not all parts are alike, the same goes for our warranties. In most cases, once the items have been inspected during pick up or shipped out, the transaction is completed. Most items are sold as is as long as they meet the conditions shown or described when sold. However, there are some exceptions.
Engines and Transmissions
For engines and transmissions that have been verified and checked, we offer a 20 day start up warranty from the time of acquisition. Equipment must show, without a reason of a doubt, indisputable evidence of structural damage.
In some cases, an engine or transmission can not be checked. In this situation, we do not offer a warranty. These engines and transmissions are sold as is.
Vehicles are sold as is unless a warranty agreement is made at the time of purchase. Responsibility will be released on vehicles once the new owner has inspected and signed off on the vehicle during pick up or at time of local shipping.
Parts are sold as is unless a warranty agreement is made.
All returns are at the discretion of Lswans Garage. If parts, engines, transmissions, etc have been disassembled in any form, any warranty becomes void. All deposits are non-refundable unless agreed upon by Lswans Garage. A deposit means money put against a product in order to hold that product. However, Lswans Garage will always refund deposits if items are damaged in shipping to a certain extent or items were not aquired by Lswans Garage, such as up garage purchases or auctions.